Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happiness and Work

Work and Happiness

                    When I was seventeen I thought to myself I need a job to be independent so I didn’t have to ask my parents or anyone else for money. My first job was a cashier, at first I was unhappy because I had to wake up early on the weekends and some days work after school and other employees were strict and not any fun to be around. But when I received my pay check at the end of the week it made me happy even though I was unhappy for the four days I was working. I also tried many other jobs but none really made me happier even though the pay was well.  Later I realize I wanted a job where I could be happy throughout my work hours

                  When I turned nineteen I started to work in construction, for the first time I was happy to be at work and the money was also great. Other employees were also friendly which made work even joyful and easier. Later I realize I wanted to attend college to achieve a degree in engineering and construction.  Because I know it will benefit me in the future and make me happy. And I could see myself as engineering in construction ten years from now saying that was the right choice to make.

                  Even though I did not find the right job that made me happy right away. But after searching and working at different places with different people I found the job which will succeed to my expatiations. I am glad and happy that I found a job that I am happy with in a early age rather than find it later in the future were it might have been too late.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Happiness’ has always been in education but most students and even I tend to miss it. By thinking school makes us miserable when it actually puts our future and happiness together. For me what distracts me from not being happy during my education in school is procrastination. Procrastination is one of my biggest obstacles to overcome. Also with procrastination brings me stress and anxiety. By have those three feelings it makes me unhappy during my education and I tend not to finish my work on time and fall behind.  

Even though we all like dislike school at times, it can be a fun learning experience that better helps us
in the future. By having a well education and being interested in school it can bring much joy and happiness to our life. But as for many students and even I tend not to be happy sometimes while attending school. The reason is there are many subjects in which I am not interested in for example when I have to complete homework assignments or study for test or exams for my history class. History for me is one of the boring classes I have in my first semester second year of college. I rather learn about what is happening in the present or what’s going to happen in the future then learning about the past.

I believe that procrastination was a bad habit that I never overcame during my high school years. When I’m in a class that’s not interesting, I tend to find something that’s fun or get sidetrack, rather than finishing my assignments. This causes me to finish my work at the last moment and never have time to look over my work and make corrections. I even tend not to study for a test or exam until the very last minute, which then I skim over my notes quickly.  As I know now how much procrastination has an effected my happiness but I am trying to overcome it. For example if I know I have five assignments due next week I do one everyday instead of trying to do all at once right before they are due. And if the class is not interesting I’ll try to talk to teacher or other students and make discussion more interesting for me.

When I procrastination it also brings me stress. When I get stressed out, I sometimes quite or think it’s not going to be perfect or I will end up failing. Which then I try to finish everything quickly and leave many details out or make mistakes that I shouldn’t have. One way that I am trying to help myself from being stressed out is taking some time to meditate right before I start a test or homework.  

Also with stress comes anxiety that I will be the only one who hasn’t completed or passed a test and feel left out. Sometimes when I do not study for a test when I knew I should have I always have anxiety and ask myself questions as will I pass, what will be my grade, and did or did not I study enough. With all those thoughts running through my mind, I sometimes even forgot what I studied for when it’s time to take a test. Sometimes when I over think I tend not to get enough sleep as I should have and feel very tired the following day. The steps I should take to reduce my anxiety is not think as much of what’s  going happen good or bad, be clam and relax.

With procrastination comes stress which then leads to anxiety. If I can overcome those three major feelings and thoughts I can be happy during my education and achieve the goals I want in life. And also stop making excuses for me to procrastination and try to enjoy what life and education brings my way. Even if I do not enjoy my class or it feels dull. There are always ways for us all to change the way we dislike school or a class by giving time to enjoying it and become more focused. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happiness in Education

Happiness in Education

          Education is one of the most important things a person can do in life to become more educated and happier. With education you can have a good job making money and stress free life which brings happiness. As I went to middle and high school I always disliked school, because it never made me happy most of my class felt dull and so were some teachers.

           By having higher education with a degree a person life can be happier. With higher education you can have a steady job with enough money where you don’t have to worry about bills and other financial stuff in your life. But since most young children dislike going to school at a young age because of teachers, homework or not enough school actives they have this idea school is useless to them and carry that idea with them throughout high school and such. As they grow older and realize how important education has an impact in their life, it’s sometime too late.

         By not having a good connection with students, they feel very much left out and unwanted. Which makes a student not want to come to school or expand their learning. Also when schools have variety of actives such as chess club, longer gym periods,  or even after school programs which makes students feel more interested and become more interested in school itself . Also rather than giving homework all week long have a few days were students and teachers can work within groups to interact with their peers to make school more comfortable for them.

        When I was in middle high school I heavily disliked it. I would have to wake up early, be in school for six hours, five days a week with more work then actives. Therefore school felt more like a drill routine, which made me less interested and unhappy in school. When I was in high school I had no interested in school and my grades dropped and I thought to myself after high school I would never go onto college. After graduation without degree of any sort I was working a 9 to 5 job. Then I realize how much education has a benefit in my happiness and future. As I stated college I feel happier then ever and interested in all my class because the class I picked are what will benefit me in the future and the teachers interact more trying to help students to succeed.

        Overall if schools have more fun actives and teachers that interact with students it will make students realize at a young age the happiness is in education rather than dislike school and keep the same feelings thought later schools years to come.