A healthy body equals a healthy mind and a healthy mind reaps healthy relationships. Being unhealthy causes depression and can even make you feel hopeless or as if life is meaningless. It can also have a negative effect on the people around us. Not accepting you’re self leads to neglecting others. There are many things that can affect or influence our happiness and being healthy has a major affect on being content. Without having good health it can makes one’s life very difficult at time. Having the best possible health will help people live and enjoy life to its fullest along with their loved ones.
Good health can vary depending on our stress level, the food we eat, work, school, sleep and even energy. For example, according to Elizabeth Scott, M.S “stress can weaken your immune system, it can make you more susceptible not only to major diseases such as heart disease, but can increase your risk of catching the common cold and flu. And illness can detract from your overall happiness in a significant way”. This said there are also many other health conditions that can occur that are beyond our control such if one is born blind or deaf. We this occur we know it is out of our control but that person could accept what has happened and move forward in life so they can overcome and set examples for other people in the worldwide which are affects with the similar health issues and help them overcome their and bring them happiness. Not all of us are blessed with the best of health but what matters most is how we deal with it. To be truly happy you have to be able to accept everything life has given you, good and bad. Health can be treated and improved and sooner we make an effort, the happier we’ll feel and the better it is for those around us.
If he or she is unhappy and unhealthy it makes life very difficult not only for that person but for their loves ones such as family member. For example when one is depressed not only it has great affects on their happiness and health but their families as well. According to the National Institute of Mental Health “Nearly 15 million American adults or about 6.7% of the U.S. population age 18 and older”, and when family members or other loves feel and know that he or she is unhealthy such unhealthy it makes family member assume it is because they did something wrong or did not make full afford to help them.
We would all like to be happy and healthy but sometimes obstacles occur in life which are out of our control such as if one is born unhealthy or unhappiness in life such as depressed which not only affects you but other loves in as well. The key to being is being happy; with happiness it makes one’s life enjoyable.