Saturday, December 11, 2010


We all have positive thinking, but it is the way we use our positive thinking everyday in life that benefits us. Without positive thinking I believe one cannot be successful in life.  I personally believe that positive thinking is one of the keys to achieving ones success as well as how it affects ones health which later combines with their happiness.

With positive thinking the mind anticipates happiness, joy and a successful outcome of every situation and action. That is why when I wake up every day I believe that today will be a great day, and I will try to accomplish something good to keep me motivate and on track to becoming  successful not only in school but out of school such as where I work at. When I come to school or work with a positive attitude it not only makes life pleasing but more interactive with others. Because when you has positive attitude, other peers or colleagues notice it, and want to be around you. Because who would want to work or study with a person that is dull or has negative thinking.
Not only does positive thinking helps you be successful in life but helps with stress management and can even improve your health. When one has negative thinking they weaken their health and can have stress, depression or other mental illness. With simply thinking positive, having motivation and good confidence ones stress or other health issues can reduce dramatically, which later can also bring happiness in one’s life. That is why I try to have positive thinking because I know it helps me reduce my stress when I have tough times in life.
If we do not choose how to use our positive thinking wisely, it will mostly likely be a great tool that is never used. With positive thinking a person can have many successful opportunities in life as well as having positive effects on one’s health which later can also bring them happiness in life. 

Happiness & Health, 2

Raiana Romero
Paramjit Singh
December 3, 2010
ENG 101. 0782
Dr. McCormick
Happiness and Health

Some people may believe “happiness” is just a word or just another human emotion. What they do not know is that happiness plays an important role in your mental and physical health. In doing my research for this paper I have found many links between the emotion “happiness” and a person’s overall healthy well being as well as the well being of their mental health.  “Your body responds to the way you think, feel act. This is often called the “mind/body “connection”. For many we do not realize the simple things that can be done every day to increase happiness and health such as taking time each day to think about the things you are grateful for and say them out loud, or better yet, write them down, which is one of the methods Jessica Woodward, M.D would suggest. You are reminding yourself of the good things in your life, and that can lead to happiness which then leads to a healthier life.

What is being happy? That is the real question. To everyone it is different, according to to be happy is to have/be: good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy. To me it is feeling loved, cared for and to be free. To some being happy is to have a certain person(s) in their lives, or certain obtainable things such as materialistic objects that make them happier. All in all people bring people happiness.

Research shows that happiness and good mental health go hand in hand. Think of your emotions anger, sadness, hatred, depression. This all leads to and un-happy person. According to E. Ferguson “As the debate regarding how our mental and emotions impact our health, yet another study confirms the ancient truth- a merry heart creates good health.” Speaking from personal experience I find when I’m “happy” my heart feels lighter. I look at people or situations in a more optimistic way. I get this ego-boost when I’m happy, and I like to treat people better and try to boost their egos as well. According to Dr. Kelly Traver “There are hundreds of different studies that show that how you choose live your life- what you do and how you decide to think-plays an enormous role in your ability to be happy”. Many people that believe that they are unhappy may turn to drugs to try and become “happy” and forget their problems for a little while but once the drugs wear off they still have the same problems and are unhappy. Over the last few years “yoga” has become a sensation amongst celebrities and just common everyday people. It is said to be relaxing and stress free and I have spoken to some that say it makes them relaxed, content and happy overall improving their mental health. I also interviewed a woman who was in and out of the hospital a few times, she told me she was so unhappy at home and in her marriage that she physically felt ill. Her bones would hurt her; she suffered from extreme headaches and always felt exhausted. She was admitted into the hospital where doctors ran numerous tests thinking maybe she had meningitis but it turned out to be what we call a “nervous breakdown.”

Being happy or unhappy can also play a huge role in a person being physically healthy or unhealthy. Have you ever experienced being heartbroken, sad or depressed and suddenly you also have a cold or you feel tired all the time and just feel plain sick? The reason you may be feeling un-well is because in that point in time you are unhappy. Once again according to Ferguson ” A recent study conducted in Canada determined people who are usually happy, enthusiastic and content are less likely to develop heart disease than those who tend not to be happy.” I have learned that poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system. There are many physical signs that your emotional health may be off balance such as back pain, chest pain, headaches, insomnia, weight loss or weight gain. These are all some characteristics of an unhappy person. When you are happy, you take better care of yourself. You may eat healthier, exercise more or just take more pride in your appearance.  According to Dr. Traver once again he says, “Happy people are physically healthier they live longer, and enjoy a higher quality of life”. As much as people may not agree, there are many studies that show that happiness and being physically go hand in hand.

Research shows it has been found that a simple hearty laugh can make your mood and health change entirely. Have you ever witnessed it? One minute you feel totally dull, then something or someone makes you laugh and it change your entire mood. Charles Schaefer, a psych at F. Dickinson University studied how forced laughter affected the state of mind of students he noted “adults who act happy for a minute a day are likely to elevate their mood.”[81] At first it may be shocking to hear but then you realize wow true it is! As far back as the 16th century many believe that laughter could cure a common cold or headache according to Richard Mulcaster.[84]Illness can detract from your overall happiness in a significant way, by laughter he or she can overcome such obstacles in life and bring them not only happiness in life but increases and can protect their health.  According to Madan Lal Kataria who is known as the Guru of Giggling states that “people should laugh far more than they do, and that they should do so not by relying upon humor but by coming together and engaging in simple forms of play mostly build around faking laughter”. By laughing and being happy it increase health and laughter which studies proven to be a powerful intervention against illness.

Norman Cousins an editor of the Saturday Review, created a self-directed wellness program. This man was suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis, a condition in which the connective tissue in his spine was deteriorating. After being put on many drugs Cousins did his own research in which he discovered that his condition was depleting his body of Vitamin C. His doctors soon took him off several of the drugs he was on and injected him with large doses of the supplements. He then checked himself out of the hospital because he was no longer getting any sleep; he had general feelings of negativity, and felt there was no need over medication. He checked himself into a hotel room and bought a movie projector and funny films. He found that the movies made him laugh so hard that he was able to stimulate chemicals in his body that allowed him several hours of pain free sleep, when the pain would come back he would simple turn the projector back on. He was able to cure the key measurement of inflammation and infection in his blood. Cousins now off every drug excepting vitamin C and laughter continued to laugh himself back to a healthily life.

I am a firm believer that being happy makes you a mentally and physically healthier person. Research has been done in the last century to prove this. Happiness can go a long way, as far as curing major infections and depressions. It is simple as watching a funny movie which cause you to laugh which later boost your immune system and make you a healthier person overall.

People would like to be happy and have good health. But at times when he or she is unhappy it has a great affects on their mental and physical health. When one is unhappy this can lead to mentally and physically heath problems such as depression or other heath illness. By taking simply steps in life such as few minutes of laughter or yoga each day can not only make you happier but have positive effect on one’s health. Such as increasing their immune system and protecting them from being sick or catching other diseases. Also if one is grateful for the things they have in life it can also make them happy and protect them from illness because they remind themselves of the good things in life which then not only lead to happiness but a healthier life.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Health and Happiness

A healthy body equals a healthy mind and a healthy mind reaps healthy relationships. Being unhealthy causes depression and can even make you feel hopeless or as if life is meaningless. It can also have a negative effect on the people around us. Not accepting you’re self leads to neglecting others. There are many things that can affect or influence our happiness and being healthy has a major affect on being content. Without having good health it can makes one’s life very difficult at time.  Having the best possible health will help people live and enjoy life to its fullest along with their loved ones.

             Good health can vary depending on our stress level, the food we eat, work, school, sleep and even energy. For example,  according to Elizabeth Scott, M.S   “stress can weaken your immune system, it can make you more susceptible not only to major diseases such as heart disease, but can increase your risk of catching the common cold and flu. And illness can detract from your overall happiness in a significant way”. This said there are also many other health conditions that can occur that are beyond our control such if one is born blind or deaf. We this occur we know it is out of our control but that person could accept what has happened and move forward in life so they can overcome and set examples for other people in the worldwide which are affects with the similar health issues and help them overcome their and bring them happiness. Not all of us are blessed with the best of health but what matters most is how we deal with it. To be truly happy you have to be able to accept everything life has given you, good and bad. Health can be treated and improved and sooner we make an effort, the happier we’ll feel and the better it is for those around us.

If he or she is unhappy and unhealthy it makes life very difficult not only for that person but for their loves ones such as family member. For example when one is depressed not only it has great affects on their happiness and health but their families as well. According to the National Institute of Mental Health “Nearly 15 million American adults or about 6.7% of the U.S. population age 18 and older”, and when family members or other loves feel and know that he or she is unhealthy such unhealthy it makes family member assume it is because they did something wrong or did not make full afford to help them.  

We would all like to be happy and healthy but sometimes obstacles occur in life which are out of our control such as if one is born unhealthy  or  unhappiness in  life such as depressed which not only affects you but other loves in as well. The key to being is being happy; with happiness it makes one’s life enjoyable.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Grateful things in life

Everyone is grateful for something that happens in their life good or bad. I am grateful for many things in my life. To narrow it down to couple of grateful things, one would be my family, and then my health.  If I did not have those two grateful things in my life I would assume that my life wouldn’t be what it is today.

What keeps me moving in life is the support of my family. If I did not have the support of my family I would have probably made wrong decision in life that would have had negative effect on my future.  Without a family i would of lost track of school, work and preparing me for the future.

Another thing that I am grateful is my heath. With have good health it keeps me motivated from getting lazy, because I know if I start to slack in health such as gaining weight I would become lazy and stop me from achieving the goals I have in life.

I am grateful for many things in life, but sometimes I over look the small things in life such as having family who cares and supporting me in anything I do, and being grateful for my good health which motivates me to do well in life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cultivating Happier Friendship

Paramjit Singh
ENG 101.

To have a happy life people should have friends.  Without friends a person’s life may feel very lonely at times. But we must cultivate relationships so we can have good loyal friends around us. There are many ways to cultivate relationships between friends. One way is to give time to understand each other, be honest and spend time with other people to find  how much you may have in common such as where you work or after school sports. These are just few ways that will be helpful in establishing greater relationship.
Many people believe they do not need friends in their lives but without friends life may feel lonely.  When I was sixteen I kept myself isolated from other classmates and peers, thinking that no one could understand my life but me. So for a while I felt lonely. While other class mates went to movies, shopping malls or other places as a group, I would just stay home. And when everyone would come to school the next day they would talk about the exciting time they all had together.  When I turned seventeen, I started to ask myself questions such as, why I did not go out and meet some friends. After giving much thought, I started to interact with other classmates and soon they invite me to the movies and shopping malls.
Having friends in my life, made me happy and my school years fun and exciting. I thought to myself why I did not make friends earlier in my life such as in middle school. Then I came to the conclusion, the reason I did not want to make friends was because I thought if I try to interact with other people and make friends, they would laugh at me because English was a second Language for me at the time. And I was not fluent with it, since I just moved from Indian to the United States. But after making friends not only was I happy but I learned English well and quickly, also I started to know a lot about American life styles.
When making friends we must choose the ones that are loyal and honest to us. The key to cultivate friendly relationships is to be built upon trust. If there is no trust between you and friends, then people may feel more like a stranger to you and may not care about your feelings and thoughts. So, we need to choose wisely who we expect as our true friends. For example,  someone experience peer pressure they may do something such as drinking or smoking one can tell that person feels more like an enemy who is trying to hurt you rather than being a loyal friend. According to Adolescent Substance Abuse “30% of teens are offered drugs in high school and middle school” and “32.2% teens try their first drink of alcohol before the age of 13”. But sometimes we are confused is our about who is our friend. Often they may not be friends. Example, when I was in high school a someone who I thought was a loyal and a honest friend told me if I do not smoke I will not fit in with the cool group of people. From that point on I knew that the person was more of a enemy than a true friend and I stayed away from him.  As one grows older and has better education and common sense he/she will realize right from wrong and can choose friends from foes.
Another way for people to have an even wider spread and cultivate happy relationships is to interact with colleagues at work. When you interact with other colleagues that work with you, not only does it make the day go faster but one can become good friends and can benefit from each other. For example, if you live far from work and it is raining or snowing, you can call a friend from work and ask him/her to give you a ride to work. If you are a student you can join an after school program such as football or soccer. When meeting people you need to decide whether you and the other person have things in common to for a cultivate friendship.
There are many ways for one to cultivate happier relationships with friends such as, to give time to understand each other, be honest and spend time with other people to find  how much you may have in common such as where you work or after school sports, which will cultivate a happier relationship.